Saturday, March 20, 2010

Another one Bites the Dust

Okay, another one is misleading. What I should say is "The first one bites the dust."

Arizona has become the first State to eliminate it's children's health insurance program (CHIP or SCHIP). The state legislature cited budget shortfalls and a "fiscal crisis" led to the decision to eliminate the program that served "38,000 children living in families with incomes between 100% and 200% of the federal poverty level ($22,000 to $44,000 for a family of four)."

As with other states using a similar program (i.e. Utah), states only pay about 35% of the cost needed for coverage, while the other 65% comes from the federal government. To me, one of the most interesting comments came from the Governor:

"As an Arizonan, as a mother, and as a person who feels great compassion for the vulnerable and less fortunate," she said, "it is only with great reluctance that I advocate a number of deep reductions in funding. . . . As governor, I have a duty to preserve State government's fiscal integrity and to ensure Arizona's long-term health."

I see contradictions throughout this statement. How does compassion for the vulnerable and less fortunate lead to cutting programs that help the vulnerable and less fortunate? Does Arizona's long-term health only include fiscal health and not physical health?

I hope for a land were people talk-the-talk, and then walk-the-walk. Maybe it's my "socialist" heart coming out, but I hope that other States don't follow the "responsible" move just made by Arizona.


Laurel Nelson said...

No no no no!!!! That's horrible!!! If nothing else, programs for children should ALWAYS be fully funded. And once they eliminate something it's never coming back. Mental note - never move to Arizona.

GreatWhiteHope said...

YEs YES YES! It's fiscal responsibility. Not spending money the state doesn't have! Wow! What a concept, maybe the federal government should take note. We are on the downward spiral to complete financial ruin as a country. You all take note, because it's coming. And, I will hold all you liberal lefties responsible for it's ruin.

Unknown said...

"And, I will hold all you liberal lefties responsible for it's ruin."

Like Reagan and George W.?

Iliana said...

Happy BDay Jake! What gift could have been better for you than that the House gave you? And I agree with the sadness of AZ letting Chip go... it is a shame.

GreatWhiteHope said...

Read the last verse of Jacob Chapter 5. Are you good or bad? The sifting is taking place and which side would you be on? Supporting politically an organization/party which restricts the agency of man and is fiscally irresponsible? Supporting a party which burdens society to redistribute to others against their will, supports gay marriage, supports abortion.....? Make your own judgement, that's your perogative, but judge wisely because your life and the lives of your families are dependent upon it. Or, you can bury your head in the sand and refuse to accept that we are on the road to financial ruin due to out of control spending. It was bad when Bush did it and it's bad now. But believe what you want...... all you lefties do anyway....

Josh said...

GWH, I can't hold back any longer. I have refrained from posting here for a long time, but I have to post something today. You are barking up an illogical tree, my friend. Re-read the post you are commenting on here. It clearly underlines the liberal desire to demolish our Constitution and turn our Republic into a Socialist Society. And, though they are obviously in the minority in their beliefs, they are winning. BO has only been in office for a little over a year and has already taken government control over the banks, a major automaker, and now, the insurance industry. It's like looking at a flag laying limp and hoping for a breeze to stretch it out to full glory. The breeze will come in November, I'm confident of it, but I fear that it may be too late!

Jacob S. said...

You know what I think? I think the anger and fear from the extreme right is getting out of control. I think they are letting their emotions carry them away to unhealthy places. I think logic and reasonableness are being thrown out the window. When activists spew racial and sexual vulgarities at lawmakers they go too far. When the most vocal pro-life democrat is called a "baby killer" by another lawmaker they go too far. When they applaud the terrorist who flew a plane into an IRS building and killed innocent people, they go too far.

The government doesn't run the banks, it doesn't run the auto industry, it just strengthened the health insurance and health care industries by mandating that tens of millions of new Americans sign up as customers, and attached some reasonable regulations to ban the most egregious industry practices. They hated it so much their stocks soared yesterday after the bill passed. On top of it all, the bill will actually reduce the deficit.

So save us the "socialist" hyperbole, the fear-mongering, the veiled threats of secession, and start trying to make a positive difference. I still believe that most average American conservatives are reasonable and civil, but this loud, obnoxious far-right faction is bad for America and gets way too much media time and representation. It's time for reasonable people to take America back.

Shawn O. said...

I don't remember ever saying anything about NOT wanting fiscal responsibility, or about NOT wanting to have a balanced budget. I'm more concerned about WHAT the money is being spent on (or conversely NOT spent on).

My question for Arizona has nothing to do with them trying to balance the budget. It has everything to do with the choice they made about HOW to balance the budget. Maybe I haven't been writing clear enough....

Why did they choose to cut funding for SCHIP instead of cutting money for something else? Could they have cut ANYTHING else? I get it, fiscal responsibility is important. I agree with it. So why do we choose to fund the things we do, and cut the things we do. THAT's my question.

So hold me responsible. Blame for all the ills in society. Point at me when the breeze doesn't blow. Question my beliefs, my worthiness, my intentions, and everything else about me because of my ostensible politics. Let me thoughtlessly believe in what I want to, I'm beyond saving.

Just walk away and let us burn ourselves in peace. We are already in control of half of the country. Resistance is futile. Line up, or get out.

GreatWhiteHope said...

Reasonableness? Good one Jacob S. I thought you said you don't think.

Continue the polarization Shawn. War is coming, but not before our financial collapse. I am prepared.